Electrical Stimulation

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation therapy is a complimentary treatment added to chiropractic care to help relieve pain.

electrical stimulation treatmentBenefits of electrical stimulation therapy are:

  • Pain relief
  • Relief of muscle spasm
  • Remove swelling and edema
  • Relief of inflammation
  • Relief of nerve pain and restoral of normal nerve function
  • Muscle conditioning/strengthening

High quality, professional therapy equipment provides the most effective therapy available today to relieve pain and spasm quickly and painlessly. Cheap, low quality machines are less effective.

Why add electrical stimulation to chiropractic are?

When you are suffering from pain and spasm of an acute injury like after a car accident or other injury, electrical stim can relive pain and spasm more quickly than just chiropractic adjustments alone.

Dr. Marks provides multi-pronged approach to relieve pain fast:

  • Physio therapy modalities
  • Exercises
  • Chiropractic adjustments

Electrical Stimulation is an Ideal Car Accident Treatment

It relieves inflammation, pain and spasm and feels good!