Labor Day Safe Driving Tips

Labor Day Safe Driving Tips

dr barry marks safe driving tips

Orange, CA
Car Accident Doctor of Orange County, Dr Barry Marks

Labor Day is the official end of summer and one last chance to hit the road and visit friends, go for a picnic or have fun at the beach. Just remember, you are not alone. Everyone else has the same thing on their minds, so here are a few safety tips for driving during the Labor Day weekend.

It’s 2016, do I have to say “Don’t Drink and Drive?” Yes.

There are still too many people who think drinking and driving is a good idea. A mere 2 beers on a hot day within an hour of driving can impair you, and result in a DUI. Always designate the driver before any drinking takes place.

It’s going to be crowded on the roads and freeways, so leave early.

If you rush around and not account for traffic, you are much more likely to have an accident, get a speeding ticket or just stress yourself and everyone else around you and ruin your day.

Enjoy the drive.

If you’re in California, it’s a beautiful weekend, so take the time to relax and enjoy the drive. Play games with the kids, listen to an audio book, sing… think of drive time as part of the holiday and make it fun!

Be patient and courteous.

Most people will be stressed out, in a hurry or intoxicated because they didn’t read this post :-/ Don’t sink to their unenlightened level. Be the calm and courteous one. Kindness is contagious. If you put your patience and courtesy out there, others will follow suit.

Remember the goal: Arrive Alive

It’s a holiday, have fun and make sure it’s not your last! By taking these tips to heart, you more likely to arrive alive and have fun.

Happy Labor Day from Dr Barry Marks, Chiropractor, Car Accident Doctor Orange County